Sandra Partera – Lapsus i senderi

exhibition Sandra Partera at Artevistas Gallery Barcelona


20/06/2024 - 21/07/2024


“Lapsus i senderi” is the title of Sandra Partera’s new exhibition that will be presented on Thursday, June 20th at the Artevistas Gallery.

In this new series of works, Sandra delves into a new reflection that incorporates the dichotomy of the lapsus and the senderi. The lapsus – the error that manifests itself involuntarily – confronted with the senderi – the capacity for common sense and reason – places us in a space of tension, between abandonment and self-control. Abandon yourself to the error and follow it to the end or dominate it and return to the previously decided path.

However, we will soon see that it is not so easy to identify the error or what is right: falling into the lapsus or the senderi is a matter of perspective.

This ambivalence is manifested throughout the exhibition through the works on the canvases of multicoloured horizons contrasted with the sculptures of the “Bitxos”, creatures that until now lived confined in the space of the canvas and that, now, abandon it definitively to achieve a presence, in size and volume, unsuspected.

Without leaving behind her expressive universe, full of colour and free of rules, which recovers the uninhibited and imaginative look typical of childhood, Sandra Partera presents us with an exhibition that does not shy away from conflict or reflection, proposing a space for the acceptance of error and the transformation that it entails.

What is what in “Lapsus i senderi” will be up to each one to decide.


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