White Rabbit – Urban Jungle


30/11/2023 - 14/01/2024


Riccardo López, AKA White Rabbit, presents in Artevistas Gallery a new collection of paintings that follow the artist’s long path and which is distinguished by two major concepts: “Contemporary Masks” and “Bunny Revolution”. The poetics that animate the artist is defined as his personal interpretation combining with current reality. ” Contemporary Masks” focuses on the faces and expressions of the anonymous protagonists of dramatic situations; these children and people tormented by the wars that have struck many nations of the continent. He seeks these faces, these looks and attacks the canvas with brushes and contrasting colors by diverting the attention of the spectator towards an instinctive vision of the work, full of feelings… With “The Bunny Revolution”, the artist plunges us into his world of caricatured characters, sometimes invented and sometimes real in a seemingly pop world, very colorful, which takes shape from a constant and latent social criticism. But ironically, the protagonists are men or women with rabbit ears, as if they were characters of the same comedy in situations of our chaotic world. By placing the viewer in front of an ephemeral reality where happiness can be perceived as a simple consumer product. This defines pop art, deprived of its only hedonistic form and which becomes the weapon that the artist uses to communicate something that goes beyond the superficial limits of the image.


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