Hype Underground
El Xupet Negre & Konair

Hype Underground <br />El Xupet Negre & Konair


21/09/2017 - 22/10/2017


The Artevistas gallery has managed to bring together two of the most active street artists of the moment.

The Xupet Negre (@elxupetnegre), started painting in the street in 1987, creator of the Logoart and one of its current top representatives. Konair (@konaironergizer), a follower of Logoart and fully involved in street art for more than 10 years, has developed his own style. After several trips to New York and Miami, the idea of exhibiting together emerges.

This year is the 30th anniversary of elxupetnegre as a street artist and this exhibition is a way to demonstrate the importance and evolution of graffiti, logoart and street art in Barcelona.

This exhibition also highlights the power of the culture “underground” which continues to feed all trends, fashion, advertising, brands … and thus creating the “hype”.

This is “Hype Underground”, because first you create in the underground and then you get to the hype.

In the exhibition will be presented a large mural, painted jointly by the two artists in the street and in the workshop in equal parts. This work is composed of 8 canvases of 100 x 100 cm, the complete work is 200 x 400 cm. Other works, of both artists, of different sizes and supports will also be presented.